Kusarigama – Most terrifying Weapon

Kusarigama weapon

The kusarigama, a traditional Japanese weapon, holds a rich history and has evolved into a versatile tool used in martial arts and popular culture. Let’s delve into the components, historical significance, modern applications, and even touch on its appearance in Naruto.


The kusarigama consists of two main components: a sickle and a chain. The sickle, with its curved and sharp blade, serves as the striking element. The chain, often concealed, connects the sickle to a weighted end, allowing for a unique range of attacks and maneuvers.

Traditional Use in Martial Arts

Historically, this Ninja Weapon found its place in Japanese martial arts, offering practitioners a dynamic and unpredictable weapon. Training involved mastering techniques that seamlessly integrated both the sickle and the chain, creating a deadly dance of offense and defense.

Evolution and Modern Applications

In contemporary settings, it has undergone changes in design and materials. Its applications have expanded beyond traditional martial arts, with practitioners incorporating it into self-defense practices, showcasing its adaptability.

Beyond the dojo, this weapon has left its mark on popular culture. From movies to TV shows, this distinctive weapon has captured the imagination of audiences worldwide, becoming an iconic symbol in various forms of media.


In the anime and manga series Naruto, the kusarigama makes a brief appearance. Although not a focal point, its inclusion adds to the diversity of weapons showcased in the ninja world. And for our surprise, it is not one of the strongest Weapons in this Anime Ninja World! Maybe it is not cool enough for ultra strong attacks?

Learning to Use

For those intrigued by this weapon, learning to use it requires dedication. Training tips for beginners and safety precautions are crucial to mastering the intricacies of this unique martial tool.

Notable Practitioners

Throughout history, individuals have stood out as proficient kusarigama practitioners. From ancient warriors to modern martial artists, their skills with this weapon have left a lasting legacy.

Choosing the Right Kusarigama

When venturing into the world of kusarigama, selecting the right weapon is paramount. Factors to consider include design, materials, and reputation. Explore popular brands and models to make an informed decision.

Weapon Maintenance and Care

For Real Weapons:

Extending the Lifespan of Authentic Blades

Cleaning and Oiling Regularly clean your weapon using a soft cloth to remove dirt and oil residues, for best results use high quality Katana cleaner. Apply a thin layer of oil to prevent rust, ensuring the blade remains in pristine condition.

Sharpening Invest in quality sharpening tools, like a sharpening stone and learn the proper technique. Regular sharpening maintains the edge, ensuring your weapon is ready for any task.

Storage Store your weapon in a cool, dry place to prevent corrosion. Use blade guards or scabbards to protect against environmental factors and accidental damage.

For Training Weapons (Wood or Plastic):

Care for Wooden and Plastic Blades

Inspection Regularly inspect wooden weapons for cracks or splinters. Sand down rough edges and apply wood sealant to protect against moisture.

Cleaning For plastic weapons, use mild soap and water for cleaning. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the material. Wipe dry after cleaning.

Avoiding Extreme Conditions Store wooden weapons away from extreme humidity or dryness. Plastic weapons should be kept away from direct sunlight to prevent warping.

Anime Weaponry:

Translating Fiction to Reality

Magical Maintenance In anime, magical weapons often require unique maintenance. Characters might perform rituals or seek guidance from mystical sources to keep their weapons in top condition. But we don´t have this kind of art (not that we know). If it is out of foam, we propose little foam filler for small cracks and wholes

Conclusion: Embracing Responsibility Across Realms

Uniting Realms – A Duty for Weapon Keepers

Whether you wield a real blade, a training weapon, or an anime-inspired fantasy, the responsibility of maintenance and care remains. By adopting proper practices, you not only ensure the longevity and functionality of your weapon but also forge a deeper connection with the tools that accompany you on your journey.

Myths and Misconceptions

As with any martial tool, myths and misconceptions surround the kusarigama. It’s crucial to address common misunderstandings and separate fact from fiction, promoting a better understanding of this unique weapon.

Before acquiring, it’s essential to be aware of legal considerations. Regulations regarding ownership and use vary, with some countries imposing restrictions on this distinctive weapon.

Kusarigama vs. Other Martial Arts Weapons

Comparing to other martial arts weapons, like Shuriken or the Kyoketsu-shoge provides insights into its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding its unique attributes can help practitioners appreciate its distinctiveness.

DIY Crafting

For enthusiasts looking to take their passion to the next level, crafting a kusarigama can be a rewarding endeavor. This step-by-step guide covers the materials needed and safety precautions for a successful DIY project.


In conclusion, the kusarigama stands as a testament to the ingenuity of traditional Japanese weaponry. Its rich history, modern applications, and presence in popular culture contribute to its timeless allure. Whether you’re a martial arts enthusiast or a fan of unique weapons, it offers a fascinating journey into the world of Japanese weaponry.

Look further

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

Is it legal to own a kusarigama in all countries?

Legal considerations vary by country, so it’s essential to research and adhere to local regulations.

Can beginners learn to use the kusarigama safely?

Yes, with proper training and safety precautions, beginners can learn to use the kusarigama safely.

What materials are commonly used in crafting a kusarigama?

Traditional components are often crafted from steel, but modern variations may use different materials.

Are there any famous movies featuring this weapon?

Several movies showcase the kusarigama, with its unique design often making it a memorable weapon on screen.

Can this weapon be used for self-defense?

Yes, the kusarigama’s versatility makes it suitable for self-defense when wielded by a trained practitioner.

How often should I oil a real weapon? For real weapons, oiling should be done every few weeks, or more frequently if exposed to moisture. Always clean the weapon before applying oil.

Can I use regular sharpening tools on training weapons? Training weapons made of wood or plastic don’t require traditional sharpening. Sanding down rough edges is sufficient for wooden weapons, while plastic weapons typically don’t need sharpening.

Are there specific rituals for maintaining magical anime weapons? Anime often features unique rituals for magical weapon maintenance. These can vary widely, reflecting the creativity of the anime’s world-building.

Do anime characters ever face consequences for neglecting weapon maintenance? In some anime, neglecting weapon maintenance can lead to consequences, such as diminished effectiveness or even symbolic repercussions tied to the character’s journey.

Can I apply the same cleaning techniques for wooden and plastic training weapons? No, wooden and plastic training weapons require different care. Wooden weapons need regular inspections for cracks, while plastic weapons can be cleaned with mild soap and water.

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